According to a post on their Facebook page NoMeansNo have announce that they are retiring. The often challenging and progressive punk act formed in Victoria, British Columbia in 1976 and has released a number of influential albums, with 1989's Wrong, 2000's One, and 2006's All Roads Lead to Ausfahrt among them.
You read the band's full statement below.
Greetings everybody, John here from NMN and with a heavy heart I must announce the retirement of No Means No. A hiatus became a long hiatus and a lingering hiatus has become a permanent one. Thirty-five years and countless miles, a couple thousand shows and many more beers, a bunch of tunes and sweaty hoards of great fans, I can't say thanks enough to everyone. I will continue to post here on our page about the Robots and future projects if and when they happen. Hoping to have the debut Compressorhead album out by next march so you have not heard the last of things yet. So cheers everyone! Raise a glass….xo
Compressorhead is a robotic band, the project of Berlin-based artist Frank Barnes and collaborators Markus Kolb and Stock Plum. NoMeansNo's John Wright was recruited as a musical director for the project in early 2013.